Full Paper Submission Deadline
June 8th, 2024
Paper Accepted Notification
June 18th, 2024
Payment Confirmation Deadline
June 24th, 2024
Camera Ready Deadline
July 15th, 2024
Conference Date
July 25th, 2024
Welcome to The 2nd Trunojoyo Madura International Conference 2024
Trunojoyo Madura International Conference is an annual international conference initiated by the Institute for Research and Community Service of Trunojoyo Madura University. This international conference welcomes articles from all fields related to engineering, science-technology, economic and social science. This year, the Institute for Research and Community Service will host the 2nd Trunojoyo Madura International Conference 2024 (The 2nd TMIC 2024).
This event will be held at the Grand Dafam Hotel Surabaya on 25th Juli 2024 with theme “Solving Real Word Problem with Creativity and Collaboration Based on Science, Technology and Humanity”.Two conferences will be held under TMIC,
namely ETMIC (Engineering Trunojoyo Madura International Conference) and
ASTMIC (Applied Science Trunojoyo Madura International Conference)
Papers from the previous TMIC have been published in E3S Web Conference and indexed in Scopus:
1st TMIC 2023
Conferences will be conducted
Socio humaniora :
1. Economy Regional Development
2. Social, Culture and Communication
3. Law and Social Justice
4. Education, Religion, Development and Implementation Halal
1. Agricultural Science and Technology
2. Coastal and Marine Environment
3. Robotics and Internet of Things
4. Green Energy and Enggenering Industry
Plenary Speaker
Assoc.Prof. Wahyudi Agustiono, Ph.D
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, IndonesiaDr. Daniel L Busch
La Trobe University, AustraliaProf. Huub de Jonge
University of Nijmegen, NedherlandsProf. Bambang Hariadi
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, IndonesiaEvent Committee
Advisory Boards
1. Rector
2. Vice Rector For Academic
3. Vice Rector For Administration And Financial
4. Vice Rector For Student
5. Director Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia
General Manager
Dr. Gita Pawana, S.P., M.P.
Chairman of The Committe
Dr. Sabarudin Akhmad, S.T., M.T
Vice Chairman
Ir. Alfian Ma’arif, S.T, M.Eng. (PTTI)
Scientific Committee
1. Dr. Zainul Hidayah, S.Pi, M.App.Sc (Faculty of Agriculture, UTM)
2. Dr. Lucky Dafira Nugroho, S.H., M.H. (Faculty of Law, UTM)
3. Dr. Iskandar Dzulkarnain, S.Sos., M.Si. (Faculty of Social and Cultural Science, UTM)
4. Dr. Bambang Hariyadi, SE, M.Si.Ak (Faculty of Economic and Business, UTM)
5. Prof. MD. Zafar Mahfooz Nomani, LL.M., Ph.D (Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, India)
6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suraya Sintang (Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia)
7. Dr. Ninis Nugrahaeni (Faculty of Law, Hang Tuah University)
1. Syaiful Khoiri, S.P., M.P. (Coordinator)
2. Dr. Iswanto, S.T., M.T.
3. Alfian Qomaruddin, S.T., M.M.
Event manager
1. Helmy Boemiya, S.H., M.H. (Coordinator)
2. Nailur Rohmah, S.Psi., M.A.
3. Dr. Tatag Handaka, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Dr. Haryo Triajie, S.Pi., M.Si.
5. Dr. Askur Rahman, S.TP., M.P.
6. Hammam, Lc.,M.Sy.
Technical Support
1. Harumi Berlinati, Amd.Keu.
2. Atika Siskawati, S.Ak.
3. Diyang Arga Aji Putra
4. Supriyono
5. Fahrizal Emir
6. Musar, S.M.
7. Ir.Purwono, S.Kom., M.Kom. (PTTI)
8. Ainur Rofii, SP
Guest Editor
1. Prof. Dr. Quanxin Zhu, (SCOPUD ID: 8689808100 || WOS ID: 1723963), Hunan Normal University, China
2. Prof. Dr. Magdi Sadek Mahmoud, (SCOPUS ID: 7202058424 || WOS ID: 1588414), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
3. Prof. Dr. Ning Wang, (SCOPUS ID: 55871122684 || WOS ID: 1821774), Dalian Maritime University, China
4. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat, (SCOPUS ID: 6507102340), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
5. Assist. Prof. Jamshed Iqbal, (SCOPUS ID: 57212516960 || WOS: 1596613), University of Hull, United Kingdom
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ir. Iswanto - Iswanto, (SCOPUS ID : 56596730700), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Managing Editor
Assist. Prof. Alfian Ma'arif, (SCOPUS ID: 57195619646 || WOS ID: N-7401-2019), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Editorial Board Member
1. Dr. Achmad Amzeri, S.P., M.P. (SCOPUS ID : 57221462663), University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
2. Assist.Prof., Dr., Ir., Iswanto, S.T., M.Eng., IPM., ASEAN.Eng (SCOPUS ID : 56596730700), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
3. Prof. Dr. Quanxin Zhu, (SCOPUD ID: 8689808100), Hunan Normal University, China
4. Prof. Dr. Magdi Sadek Mahmoud, (SCOPUS ID: 7202058424), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
5. Prof. Dr. Ning Wang, (SCOPUS ID: 55871122684 || WOS ID: 1821774), Dalian Maritime University, China
6. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat, (SCOPUS ID: 6507102340), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
7. Assist. Prof. Jamshed Iqbal, (SCOPUS ID: 57212516960 || WOS: 1596613), University of Hull, United Kingdom
8. Ari Basuki, S.T., M.T., (SCOPUS ID : 56523063300), University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
9. Dr. Zainul Hidayah, S.Pi, M.App.Sc, (SCOPUS ID : 57113721100), University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
10. Dr. Sabarudin Akhmad, S.T., M.T, (SCOPUS ID : 58082025000), University Of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
Registration Fee
# | Participant Category | Participant |
1 | Presenter/paper (unlimited acces to all conferences, certificate as presenter from each conference you present at, meals and seminar kits, for scholars, professional, acedemicians, and teacher are welcome) | IDR 500.000 equal USD 30 - Publication with additional Charge (Selected Paper) |
Registration Payment for International or Domestic Participants can be made by bank transfer, with the following details:
Name of Bank: Bank Central Asia (BCA)
Number of Bank: 1851942691
Account Name: Atika Siskawati
To make it easier to check, please add the last 3 digits of your id paper to the registration fee. Confirmation is manual, meaning you must inform and send proof of transfer at the link provided. Click Here To Confirm Registration Payment
Contact Person
Syaiful Khoiri (UTM) 085726920666
Helmy Boemiya (UTM) 081230458699
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia